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Advanced Docker Workflows

Setup & Workflow

I need to install Docker

Although you can run docker practically anywhere, no matter operating system or hardware, you will probably find it easier to work with on Linux. Even though we recommend Ubuntu for the sake of simplicity, in theory, working with docker should be the same regardless of OS.


Docker is both a piece of software and a company. The software is available through Docker the company’s commercial software Docker Desktop or their free and open-source Docker Engine. Docker Engine is the core component for building and running Docker images/containers and is thus included in Docker Desktop. However, unless you are running Linux you cannot install Docker Engine as a standalone program.

It is also important to know that Docker Desktop run containers inside an embedded VM. This can cause some unexpected issues when using the host network since you are then actually using the VM’s network. Device access and shared volumes can behave similarly. For these reasons it is recommended to use Docker Engine if possible. In theory Docker Desktop should work fine for simulation. You cannot use it for deployment (running on SVEAs) though since there is so much depending on device access and the host network. See “I need to simulate multiple SVEAs”


If you have an NVIDIA GPU you can also install NVIDIA Container Toolkit which is a runtime for Docker Engine that can leverage your GPU, i.e. your container get access to your GPU. Notice, however, that if you need CUDA drivers then you must use relevant CUDA images.

I’m using Linux

Using Linux makes everything easier. If you are uncomfortable or unfamiliar with Linux it is recommended that you use the newest version of Ubuntu. In this case it is also recommended that you learn the basics of how to use a terminal.

Installing Docker Engine

For Ubuntu you can install Docker Engine by following these steps.

Installing Docker Desktop

Since a huge part of the SVEA workflow is to simulate before moving onto the vehicles, it is necessary that you have all the necessary tools (such as RViz) available to you. Currently Docker Desktop for Linux does not allow you to run GUI applications and is therefore not suitable. Please install Docker Engine.

Post-Installation steps

For a pleasant docker experience in the terminal you should do the following post-installation steps. Reboot your computer after these steps.

  1. Add your user to the docker group.
sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
  1. Start/Enable the docker service
# On most distros (like vanilla Ubuntu)
sudo systemctl enable docker.service
sudo systemctl start docker.service
# ...on other (like WSL-based Ubuntu)
# This must be done each time you start the computer/session
sudo service docker start

I’m using Windows

Windows does not have support for Docker Engine natively. Therefore you must use one of the two options below.

Installing WSL2 and Docker Engine

A virtualization layer called Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) can be enabled/installed natively on Windows 10 Build 19041 and above. This allow for a “real” Linux distribution to run inside of Windows! For Windows 11 Build 22000 and above you can even run Linux GUI apps such as Nautilus or even RViz for ROS. To install WSL simply run

wsl --install

and then reboot. The installed default distribution is Ubuntu. For more information on installing WSL follow this guide and then, if you want to read about GUI support, continue with this. After the reboot you can search for, and launch, the “application” Ubuntu. It will continue the setup process and you will need to create a new user.

After WSL and Ubuntu is installed and setup you can continue to install Docker Engine just as described in I’m using Linux.

Installing Docker Desktop and an X11 server

An alternative to WSL is to use Docker Desktop. Although discouraged by this guide it is a possibility. If you need to choose this alternative then you will have to install an X11 server. The most common one is VcXsrv. There is many videos on this topic, here is one that covers most things.

I’m using MacOS

Note: This is has not been tested.

Similar to Windows, MacOS does not have support for Docker Engine natively. Since there is no MacOS equivalent of WSL, Docker Engine cannot be used at all. Instead you need to use Docker Desktop.

Installing Docker Desktop

Although discouraged by this guide Docker Desktop is the only solution for MacOS. You will have to install an X11 server for example XQuartz. Here is a video on the topic. Take more inspiration from the instructions given in I’m using Windows.

I will work on a single package


Similar to svea repository, svea_pkg is a template for new SVEA packages. When starting a new package you should first go to svea_pkg and click “Use this template”. When doing so GitHub will copy svea_pkg to a new repository much like a fork but that is completely separated from svea_pkg (you cannot create PRs etc.).

%%{init: {'gitGraph': {'mainBranchName': 'KTH-SML/svea_pkg', 'showCommitLabel': false}}}%%
    branch USER/MY_PKG
    commit type:HIGHLIGHT tag: "copy"


  • Go to svea_pkg.

    • Click “Use this template”

    • Change the name to reflect your project, this instruction will use MY_PKG.

    • Write a suitable description.

  • Clone your fork to your host computer.

    > git clone
    > cd MY_PKG
  • Change package name in source code, CMakeLists.txt, package.xml, etc.

  • Add dependencies in package.xml and CMakeLists.txt.

  • Build image (this will take a few minutes depending on your machine). This step will make Docker fetch svea and place MY_PKG inside svea/src, finally producing an image containing all of svea and MY_PKG.

    > DESKTOP=1 util/build

    Note: You cannot use DESKTOP=1 on SVEA, it will only work on amd64 (normal) computers.

  • Continue to I’m ready to start development.

I need to use RViz, rqt, or other GUIs


ROS images are distributed by the Open Source Robotics Foundation (OSRF) and there are a number of distributions (melodic, noetic, …) and variants (base, desktop, …) available. The official ROS images that you get by docker pull ros:<tag> are built for different platforms/architectures (amd64, arm64v8, …), however, some variants are not available there (such as desktop). For such variants you need to use OSRF’s own profile on Docker Hub, docker pull osrf/ros:<tag>. The drawback is that the images under OSRF’s profile are not available for all platforms. This is the case for the TX2 that SVEA has. The desktop variant is not built for TX2’s architecture arm64v8. That means the SVEA image cannot use another ROS variant other than base as we need them to run on the SVEA hardware.

So, normally GUI applications cannot be launched in a container without any configuration. Luckily our utility scripts fixes this automatically. When the SVEA image has been built with DESKTOP=1 util/build and the container has been created with DESKTOP=1 util/run then GUIs are supported (only for supported architectures such as amd64, not on the NVIDIA TX2).


I need to simulate multiple SVEAs (with their own ROS Master) on one computer

For this scenario you are probably using something like ABConnect to communicate between your units. This is more than fine and it is possible to simulate as if they were running on completely separate machines.


Let’s first consider the normal scenario running “producation” on a SVEA. Then the container would share the host’s network and it would seem that ROS is running on the host and not inside a container. This is mainly due to that the container can open and close ports as it chooses. To share the host’s network you use the option --network host. It is important to remember that you cannot run multiple containers, with a ROS Master each, while sharing the host’s network since that would be the same as trying to run multiple ROS Masters on your host!

Next we consider another docker network type, namely --network bridge (the default network type). This network will allow internet access from the host-side to all connected containers, however, all containers’ ports are not exposed on the host side. Normally this would not be suitable for SVEA development and especially so on the real vehicles. However, when we are simulating multiple SVEAs on one machine, each with its own container, then it can be a useful setup. That is because the containers still share the same network, bridge, and can actually reach each other. Using a broker like ABConnect will establish the shortest route for P2P communication and that will be through docker’s internal “router” for bridge and nothing more, i.e. communication stays within bridge which is allowed. (If you would try to setup two machines with containers on two separate bridge networks, then this wouldn’t work since no ports are exposed on the hosts.)

Now, there is a final quirk with docker bridge networks. Somehow, the default bridge network (named bridge) does not set up domain name resolution for the container name. This means that you need to specify container’s IP in order to reach them. If, however, you create a new network (of type bridge) and connect containers to that, then docker will fix domain name resolution for the container names. Then you can reach the containers by name, i.e. ping svea_pkg. This is what is instructed below.

A useful command for inspecting networks is

> docker network inspect my_network


  • Create, and possibly start, your containers if you haven’t already done so. This can be done with docker create, docker run or util/run-dev (util/run-dev will not connect to the host’s network).

    > util/run-dev
  • Create a new docker network. The network name doesn’t matter, you can use ros for example.

    > docker network create ros
  • Next you will need to know each container’s name. If you have created the container(s) using util/create-dev they will have the same name as the repository they are created from. To confirm the name(s) get a list of all containers using

    > docker ps -a
  • Connect each container to the newly created network.

    > docker network connect ros my_container
  • Now you can enter the container(s) and develop as you normally would. They will exist (almost) as separate machines connected to the virtual network ros. This network does give them internet access but no ports are exposed to the host.

Example scenario

I (username kaarmu) have decided to create an MPC controller package svea_mpc for SVEA in a fictional project about safe zebra crossings. We assume I’ve already installed docker and have a working system using one of the methods described. Since I only want to develop one package I can base it on KTH-SML/svea_pkg.

%%{init: {'gitGraph': {'mainBranchName': 'KTH-SML/svea_pkg', 'showCommitLabel': false}}}%%
    branch kaarmu/svea_mpc
    commit type: HIGHLIGHT tag: "copy"

Read more on I will work on a single package.

After implementing my controller, now I want to evaluate it using simulation in RViz. It is recommended to start roscore separately.

## HOST ubuntu22 ##
## CONTAINER svea_mpc ##
roscore &
rosrun rviz rviz -d <path-to-rviz-file>
roslaunch svea_mpc test.launch

Some time has passed and I have realized that my SVEA needs object detection and situational awareness. I keep them separate by creating the packages object_detect and sitaware. My project now includes 3 packages in total (except for svea_core, svea_sensors, etc. that’s included). This forces me to create my own workspace instead of using svea workspace (that is automatically used for single-package projects).

First, I will need to create object_detect and sitaware from svea_pkg in the same way svea_mpc was created. The graph from above would now look something like this

%%{init: {'gitGraph': {'mainBranchName': 'KTH-SML/svea_pkg', 'showCommitLabel': false}}}%%
    branch kaarmu/svea_mpc
    commit type: HIGHLIGHT tag: "copy"
    checkout KTH-SML/svea_pkg
    branch kaarmu/object_detect
    commit type: HIGHLIGHT tag: "copy"
    checkout KTH-SML/svea_pkg
    branch kaarmu/sitaware
    commit type: HIGHLIGHT tag: "copy"

To create my new workspace I will base it on svea just as I did with svea_mpc from svea_pkg. The workspace will be called zebra_ws to reflect my project.

%%{init: {'gitGraph': {'mainBranchName': 'KTH-SML/svea', 'showCommitLabel': false}}}%%
    branch kaarmu/zebra_ws
    commit type: HIGHLIGHT tag: "copy"

The zebra_ws workspace can now add these repositories as submodules.

> git submodule add src/object_detect
> git submodule add src/sitaware
> git submodule add src/svea_mpc
        object_detect/      << new submodule
        sitaware/           << new submodule
        svea_mpc/           << new submodule

From here on you work just as before but simply from the workspace repository instead of a package! The utility scripts will still work as expected and you follow almost the same practices with Git. The difference now is that you must be aware of the submodules. Please read online on how to effectively work with submodules.