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Interface object for sending actuation commands to the SVEA car’s low-level controller.

We implement the interface for two reasons:

  1. Our models typically expect steering angle [rad] and velocity [m/s].
  2. We would like to add some features on top of just sending the control inputs.

The low-level controller expects unit-less steering and velocity values between [-127, 127] that correspond to the minimum and maximum steering angles and velocities.

This interface makes it easy to input steering angles in [rad] and velocities in [m/s]. Assumes very simplistic models of the low-level actuation. It assumes a linear steering model and a linear velocity model. The control interface assumes that the ESC is in the default Sports mode.


Name Type Description Default
vehicle_name str

Name of vehicle being controlled; The name will be effectively be added as a namespace to the topics used by the corresponding low lever interface i.e namespace/vehicle_name/lli/topic.

log_length int

Number of messages from control requests, control actuated and the remote that should be stored in the internal log. Set to None for unlimited logging.


differential_front property

Status of the front differential lock

:return: 0 if unlocked 1 if locked, None if no information has been received. :rtype: int

differential_rear property

Status of the rear differential lock

:return: 0 if unlocked 1 if locked, None if no information has been received. :rtype: int

emergency property

Check if the emergency flag is set. If the emergency flag can not be cleared from ROS it is also possible to clear it by not sending any control requests for at least 5 seconds, and setting the remote to override.

:return: True if emergency flag is set, False otherwise, None if no information has been received. :rtype: bool

gear: int property

Current gear.


Type Description

0 if low gear 1 if high gear, None if no information has been



max_speed: float property

Get the maximum speed, dependent on gear.


Type Description

The maximum speed, independent of direction

max_speed_signal: float property

Get the maximal velocity that the controller will actually attempt to actuate for the current gear.


Type Description

The maximum actuated speed, independent of direction.

remote_idle property

Check if the remote is considered idle by the low level interface.

:return: True if idle, False if active, None if no information has been received. :rtype: bool

remote_override property

Check if the remote override is active. If the override is active the control requests will be ignored by the low level interface.

:return: True if override is engaged, False otherwise, None if no information has been received. :rtype: bool

software_idle property

Check if the computer is considered idle by the low level interface.

:return: True if idle, False if active, None if no information has been received. :rtype: bool

send_control(steering=None, velocity=None, brake_force=0, transmission=-1, differential_front=-1, differential_rear=-1, ctrl_code=0)

Method for taking control inputs and implementing features over the control inputs.

This method converts steering angles and velocities from [rad] and [m/s] to unit-less values that the low-level system expects, saturates the unit-less values, implements a stopping feature for blocking control inputs (note, this is not necessarily a braking feature, it only blocks inputs from being published, thus it should not be used for emergency braking), and sends/publishes inputs to the low-level interface.

If an argument is left empty the low-level interface will be told to use the last sent value. The same is true if the gear or differential arguments have any other values than 0 or 1. If you do not call send_control then the car will not do anything.


Name Type Description Default
steering Optional[float]

Input steering angle for the car in [rad], if argument left empty the low-level system will use the last sent valid value.

velocity Optional[float]

Input velocity for the car [m/s], if argument left empty the low-level system will implement the last sent valid value.

brake_force float

Brake force as a percentage [0, 100] of maximum braking force.

transmission int

0 means low gear, 1 means high gear, -1 means keep the currently set gear.

differential_front int

0 means unlocked, 1 means locked, -1 means keep the currently set lock state.

differential_rear int

0 means unlocked, 1 means locked, -1 means keep the currently set lock state.

ctrl_code int




Spins up ROS background thread; must be called to start receiving and sending data.


Name Type Description Default
wait bool

True if the interface should call wait_until_ready before returning.



Wait until the interface is ready.


Name Type Description Default
timeout float

Number of seconds to wait for a response from the low level interface.



Type Description

False if timed out or rospy is shutdown, true otherwise. Will


return when the interface is ready, after timeout seconds or if


rospy is shutdown.


Interface handling the reception of state information from the localization stack.

This object can take on several callback functions and execute them as soon as state information is available.


Name Type Description Default
vehicle_name str

Name of vehicle being controlled; The name will be effectively be added as a namespace to the topics used by the corresponding localization node i.e namespace/vehicle_name/state.



Add state callback.

Every function passed into this method will be called whenever new state information comes in from the localization stack.


Name Type Description Default
cb Callable[[VehicleState], None]

A callback function intended for responding to the reception of state info.



Remove callback so it will no longer be called when state information is received.


Name Type Description Default
cb Callable[[VehicleState], None]

A callback function that should be no longer used in response



Spins up ROS background thread; must be called to start receiving data.